Palavras à Milanesa

Palavras à Milanesa
Não! Este blog não é de gastronomia. Mas de palavras. À Milanesa. Palavras simples como este prato de arroz com feijão, bife e batata frita.

quarta-feira, 27 de julho de 2011


Joy, Joy! The eternal Changing God dwelling within you becomes evident!
While there is a peace dove, there will be hope, ritual, party!
Discover, awake the "erê", (*)
the child who lives within you!
Revive plant, supplant, exceed, seed.
Everything is in your mind.
Time is now, no waiting!
You’ll always catch up.
Mother earth, pachamama!
Nature prays by the primer of life, of fire, of flame.
Of four elements.
Life is moments, events, vents, new times approaching.
Aves, Marias, poems.
Life is one, we are life!

(*) erê = child in umbanda

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