Palavras à Milanesa

Palavras à Milanesa
Não! Este blog não é de gastronomia. Mas de palavras. À Milanesa. Palavras simples como este prato de arroz com feijão, bife e batata frita.

quinta-feira, 21 de julho de 2011

Cockroaches, sewers, rats and termites

The pulse still pulses, it comes to mind the music of the “Titãs”, famous rock group in Brazil, and he started reading the results: “Liver with forms and normal measurements, normal contour and echogenicity diffusely compatible with esteatosis. Absence of dilated intra hepatic biliar ways. Hepato-coledoc duct with normal caliber”.
While he was reading the medical report, Lauro walked on the streets of Botafogo, in Rio de Janeiro, almost as if he was playing hopscotch, running away from the killing sewers and counting one,two three. He passed Camuirano Street at the corner of Voluntarios da Patria Street and suddenly he was in front of a already very familiar scene in the city: Police isolated site, TV crews, newspapers and radios interviewing people, fire fighters, the Electricity Co.! In that instant there is a film going through his head. What if I die now? And the next sewer explodes in the middle of my face? “What if…? “ – he remembered of a commercial spot of Bradesco Insurance, - “We only have Pepsi, is it alright? “ He remembered the spot of the soft drink. In spite of the Russian roulette of the sewers in Rio, he was relieved. Lauro had read the word “normal” in the medical report three couple of times. It was in the middle of other quite strange, such as: echogenicity, esteatosis, but, he was convinced. Everything seemed alright, except the cockroaches which insisted in forcing the sewer covers making them explode in series, tormenting the city for months. The Electricity Co., poor bastards, was taking all the blame. But, in reality the rats, cockroaches and termites were to be blamed, they migrate, in the Winter, via underground directly from the capital (Brasilia) to our Wonderful City, means “Cidade Maravilhosa”.
And thus, after the initial scare of his medical exam, Lauro kept walking between sewers, always remembering the TV spots that stuck in his memory and the certainty that he would live for long to see, under the sewers of the city, the rats which migrate looking for a place under the sun. He, then, remembered of yet another commercial spot:” Call., at least once, 2273-7373, 2273-7373, Insectphone, phone”.

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